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Sunday, July 26, 2009


to get slim n thin is what most of the girl,lady even to woman's dream..because to them that is the most best way to be "pretty"...they have choose many ways to get rid of the fats which have accumulated in their body especially fats...and the most common way is have a diet which minus down their food intake...yes...scientifically have proven that..this way is effecttive...no glucose in take....then fatty acid will take incharge to gain energy..but the end product is getting a substance which will cause cholesterol...the more u practise this weird diet..the more high chances for u to get cholesterol...anyhow the best way is still exercise.


Have anyone aware about trans fat?

when oils and fats containing unsaturated
fatty acids are hydrogenated in the presence of a catalyst,Trans fatty acids(TFA) are produced . Hydrogenation increases the melting range of the unsaturated fats and thus
enables their incorporation into many solid fat formulations. When an
unsaturated fat or oil is fully hydrogenated, all the unsaturated fatty acids
are converted into their saturated analogues.
Partial hydrogenation, in the presence of nickel catalysts, results in
the formation of trans fatty acids that are the geometrical isomers of the
unsaturated fatty acids, and at least one double bond in the trans
configuration is present. This trans double bond configuration reduce the fluidity of the
fatty acid thereby increasing its melting point. Thus, partial hydrogenation
of liquid oils has been the tool of choice to enable their use in solid fats,
especially margarine formulations. Partial hydrogenation actually results in
both cis and trans fatty acids anywhere between carbon 4 and carbon 18
of the fatty acid molecule with elaidic acid being a major
isomer .

As a result of consuming high amount of trans fat:

longer chain length of the fatty acid showed a proliferation of perisomes in the liver

Essential fatty acids (EFA) are transformed in the body by a series of reactions into long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids for development of the nervous system and eyesight. TFA compete with EFA for the enzyme binding site. new born infants,especially is premature,show borderline deficiency in EFA.Human Adult shows negative impacts after a long-term consuming TFA.

Common Trans Fat Sources

Next time you encounter the following foods, be reminded of their high trans fat content:

  • Crackers
  • Doughnuts
  • French fries
  • Cookies (also rich in saturated fat)
  • Vegetable shortening
  • Hard margarine
  • Pastries (also rich in saturated fat)

  1. Reference :
  2. http://www.scientificpsychic.com/fitness/fattyacids.html
  3. http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=3045792


7:54 AM

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Artificial Food Colourings

Up until the 1950’s, natural plant and vegetable were used to add color in foods. For example, pale red colors could be achieved from beets, green could be achieved from chlorophyll. As times goes by,the chemical industry started to develope and they found out that by creating food colouring,they can earn big money! They started to convinced the food industry to use chemical based colors because they were more convenient, cheaper to use.

Today, more and more food contain Food Colouring which is hazardous to our health because it is 1 of the toxic sources.. These chemicals can cause serious diseases and mental disorders in humans. artificial food coloring ingredients are made with petroleum and are a derivative of petrochemicals and coal tar. These chemicals shouldn't be ingested by humans or animals. Yet, a few artificial food coloring products are added to many different foods and sold on the marketplace.

FIVE of these food colourings are the most famous food colouring used for foods today and are linked with cancer in animal testing.it also linked to migrain and nausea.

Red 3: This artificial coloring is sprayed on cherries, fruit cocktail, baked goods, and candy. They have done an experiment on rats and thyroid cancel slowly develope.

Red 40: This dye is in common snack foods such as Goldfish. it is 1 of the main cause of hyperactive disorder and migrains.its molecular structure is very similar to dyes that have been banned for being proven carcinogens.

Blue 1 and 2: These artificial colorings use in candy, baked goods, pet foods, and beverages. They have both been linked to cancer in mice. in 2003,there is a case study where a patient died because Blue 1 leak into the bloodstream.

Yellow 5: There is strong evidence to suggest that Yellow 5, also known as tartrazine, causes tantrums and hyperactivity in children.

Yellow 6: This artificial coloring which is one of the most widely used, can be found in sausage, gelatin, baked goods, candy, and beverages. Yellow 6 can be 1 of the reason to cause tumors of the kidney and adrenal glands.

Green 3: this colouring is seldom used but it has a great impact where cancel may develope. It is often found in candy and beverages.

Orange B: Approved for use only in hot dog and sausage casings. a study carried out using a mice.the mice is constantly feed with orange B and it is found out to cause urinary obstruction,which can later on damage the liver.

How can we avoid consuming foods with artificial colorings that are harmful to our health?

look at the food label before we purchase food, this is to avoid ourself from consuming too much of artificial colouring. if its possible, put the product back to the rack once u found out tat it contain food colouring.Instead, buy organic, natural foods that do not contain man-made chemicals that cause illness and disease.Chilidren are STRONGLY DISCOURAGE to consume food with artificial colouring.

The bottom line? It is good to be aware of what you're buying. Read labels carefully and be suspicious of any food product that looks bright and colorful.

Reference :

  1. http://homecooking.about.com/od/foodhealthinformation/a/foodcolorhealth.htm
  2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/6634071.stm



7:16 AM

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


MSG is something hidden in the food labels but USUALLY appear in all FOODS! MSG is a highly toxic ingredient. It will not only cause sleep disorders and migraine headaches,it can even lead to Alzheimer's disease. MSG is a chemical that does not belong to the human body. It can even interfere with normal appetite regulatory functions and make it almost impossible for people to lose weight, especially if they are currently obese and they cant stop eating due to the yummy-ness of the food.

Each person seems to show different symptoms due to genetic and the immune respond of a person towards MSG, and the degree of reaction to MSG seems to vary. Some can tolerate some of it, while some might react violently to the smallest amount added to their food.

MSG enhances flavor, and, without exception. It is added to the food due to the low quality used and the public prefer TASTY food rather than HEALTHY food.

MSG is also concealed as a chemical compound in many cases so that the public will not realize they are getting a chemical fix, and they will not realize they are buying rubbish quality food.

MSG has been around in its natural form, from sea weed, pectin, gelatin, and other such food sources, for centuries. Oriental people love using MSG because MSG enchance the flavour of the food. the eater enjoy the food, and the seller can enjoy great sales!

So, you will have to think whether you want to deal with this. MSG is something non essential to a happy and healthy living. You do not NEED MSG to enjoy food, but it is a different story if you feel that you wanna have rubbish food and rubbish health.

You need to consider the symptoms which is caused by MSG.MSG, can pass through the brain barrier and affect the functionality of the brain. Like marijuana and crack, MSG will affect the brain in the matter of controlling the activity of the body. Diarrhea is 1 of the symptom. This is because the MSG is entering stomach, rushing to the brain, and the brain is telling your plumbing department that it is under new management. The result is that you will have to rush to a restroom immediately!!!! some ppl do not suffer from diarrhea.. but they suffer from headache. Some people have heart related reactions or blood pressure spikes for no apparent reason. Conclusion, everything is depend on the compromise of the immunology,if a person cant tolerate with MSG and yet he or she consume high level of MSG , he or she will suffer from a few negatice sickness.


  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monosodium_glutamate
  2. http://www.opposingdigits.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1594
  3. http://www.natural-health-information-centre.com/monosodium-glutamate.html
  4. http://www.chemistrydaily.com/chemistry/Monosodium_glutamate
  5. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16999713



3:44 AM

Monday, May 25, 2009

Organophosphate Poisoning

What is an organophosphate?

Chemically, organophosphates (OP) are usually esters (R-CO2-R), amides (R-NH2), or thiol (R-SH) derivatives of phosphonic acid (H3O3P). Organophosphate is widely used in agriculture as insecticides, veterinary and human medications , lubricants, plasticisers, and flame- retardants. The worst use of all is for chemical warfare as nerve agents.

Structure of amides

Structure of Ester

Example of structure of organophosphate pesticide, Fenamiphos

What happens if someone gets sick from an organophosphate?

Symptoms of mild organophosphate poisonin g may include the following:

  • chest tightness
  • shortness of breath
  • Running nose
  • Nausea
  • vomiting
  • stomach cramps
  • muscle twitching
  • confusion

The Three Phases of OP Poisoning

After an exposure to an OP agent the clinical syndrome progresses through three well defined phases: Initial Cholinergic Phase, Intermediate Syndrome and Delayed Polyneuropathy phase.

Initial Cholinergic Phase

The first stage is known as the Initial Cholinergic Phase. This first phase is a medical emergency that requires rapid treatment. how do we identify this initial cholinergic phase?This phase is marked by an increase in nasal, oral, lacrimal, and bronchial secretions, bronchoconstriction, sweating, vomiting and GI distress with increased motility and cramping. During this phase you can also see muscle fasciculations, which can progress to flaccid paralysis if acetylcholine accumulates in the nicotinic sites at the neuromuscular junctions. initial cholinergic phase usually lead to Death due to the cardiac effects that occur. Bradycardia and other arrhythmias can occur in combination with respiratory depression and CNS depression. This phase generally lasts from 24- 48 hours.

Intermediate Syndrome

The second phase is the intermediate syndrome and is characterized by the onset of muscle weakness. The muscle weakness affects respiratory muscles, such as the diaphragm.

This phenomenon can last for up to two years after exposure and is accompanied by muscle weakness and sensitivity to non depolarizing neuromuscular blocking medications.

Delayed Polyneuropathy Phase

The third and final phase is the delayed polyneuropathy phase. This usually sets 7-14 days post-exposure. This phase result in symmetrical muscle weakness in the periphery.

What is the treatment for organophosphate poisoning?

  • Prevention of illness after contact: Leave the area and move to a new place !
  • Remove clothing.
    • Quickly take off clothing that may have the chemical on it. Try to becareful and not letting ur eyes,mouth and nose in contact with OP. if you are helping ur fren to take off the clothes, try not to touch the contaminated area.
  • Wash affected areas.
    • wash any chemical from the skin with lots of soap and water As quickly as possible.
    • If the eyes are burning or vision is blurred, rinse your eyes with plain water for 10 to 15 minutes.
    • If contact lenses are worn, throw them away and dont wear them back. If eyeglasses are worn, wash them with soap and water.
    • If you are wearing jewelry that you can wash with soap and water, wash it and put it back on. If not,throw it away.

  • Discard contaminated items.
  • put all the contaminated stuff into a plastic bag and sealed them properly.
  • if possible , contact the incharge department and they will send ppl here to collect the contaminent from you

  • Treatment of illness: If an organophosphate is ingested, the person’s stomach may be pumped at a hospital. Other times, the person is given activated charcoal to drink. Activated charcoal binds with the poison in the body to help the body to pass out the poison naturally.

Hospitals and other health care experts have medicines that reverse the effects of organophosphate poisonings.

Is there a vaccine for organophosphate poisoning?

No, there is no vaccine for organophosphate poisoning.

Reference :

  1. http://qjmed.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/97/2/75
  2. http://www.abcbirds.org/abcprograms/policy/pesticides/Profiles/fenamiphos.html


5:05 AM

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Top 5 ingredients in FOOD that make your HEALTH goes down the hill~

Do anyone realise that moods and emotional health can be drastically affected by the food you eat???

The brain chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, are very sensitive and can easily be affected by other foreign chemicals that enter our bloodstream.

Here are the five hidden chemicals that may be the reason for your emotional and mental health


This class of chemicals is the top killers of life.Do anyone realised about this chemical? It can be found in pesticides and herbicides. A study is done and found that neurological problems such as anxiety, irritability, depression and restlessness are higher among farmers and their families who used organophosphate pesticides. now u know how dangerous and poisonous of Organophosphates.
these farmers are 6 times more at risk to suffer depression in their lifetime. There are farmers who committed suicide few years after expose to organophosphate.

Organophosphates affect our nervous system function. It is easily absorbed into our bloodstream through skin, mucus membranes, lungs and intestines. Once exposed, a person will experience headaches, dizziness, profuse sweating, blurred vision, respiratory problems, nauseating, vomiting, abdominal cramps and even loss of coordination as well as reflexes.

The only way to avoid organophosphates is to consume organic fruits, vegetables and baby food preparations.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Have any idea about "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome?? If there is an awful irritation in your throat, sudden headache or dip in your mood, you are suffering from the “Chinese restaurant syndrome”. A studies have been carried out and most of the Chinese Restaurant in Asia uses TONS of MSG in preparing the dishes. Most of the process food are loaded with MSG too for example

Studies have shown that MSG is linked to mild headaches, migraines, itching, nauseating, vomiting, diarrhea, mood swings as well as depression. Some people who are really allergic to MSG would experience burning sensations, facial and chest pressure as well as eye inflammations.

Therefore, it is best to hav healthy home cooked food rather than having meal outside where the taste of the food actually comes from the artificial flavour enchancing. Use herbs and spices to zest up your food.

Artificial Food Colorings

Chemical colorings such as Tartrazine (E102 or FD&C Yellow 5) are especially harmful as they affect our emotional and behaviour of a growing child.some of the reactions are instant anxiety, migraines, clinical depression, itching, outbreaks of eczema and general weaknesses as well as sleep disturbances will appear after consuming food colouring.

The fact is that the manufacturers do have other alternatives.

Food Preservatives

Some people feel uneasy, heavy and having headaches after taking a particular canned food or drink. It could be due to the food preservatives. Another class of preservatives we have to watch out for is calcium propionate, which is to prevent mold. It is widely used in large bakeries that mass-produce breads. As times goes by, reactions such as headaches, migraine, eczema, irritable bowel syndrome, tiredness, depression and fatigue will appear as the level of proprionate in ur body increases.

Heavy metals

Lead is an obvious cause for the increase of depression and aggressive behaviors in children.when our body is exposed to mercury, The same emotional and mental reaction will occur when our body is exposed to mercury. reactions caused by heavy metal would be impaired coordination, tremors, irritability, memory loss, excessive anger, depression and in more serious cases like blurred vision and muscle or joint pain.

If you suspect your health condition is going down the hill, start to be more selective in your choice of food today. Switch to organic and unprocessed foods. When your chemical burden in your body is reduced, you can kiss your chemical-related blues goodbye.

  1. http://www.chemistryexplained.com/Fe-Ge/Food-Preservatives.html
  2. http://chemistry.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~lrd/foodaddi.html
  3. http://chemistry.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/indepth.food/additives/table.html


6:55 AM

SPONGYTIFF rules this blog here =D
A blog specially created for FOODs!!
I Love to EAT!
and i realize we eat to be alive..

sometimes i wonder, why do we need food but not others?
sometimes i wonder, how actually food help us in maintaining our health?
so...let's study chemistry to learn all the mechanism that happen everyday in our body..

the owner

im a person who really interested with food...
i can do everything just for food like how i choose to study foos science..
hope i can apply whatever i have learn in this course
and provide a healthy food world for others.
the one who i love

this is my parents who give me everything i need and want


this is me n my sister who will provide me everything i need without saying another word....

Photobucket Photobucket

this is my house pet--- Brendi who is really naughty..even he is just a pet, but i do take good care of the food he is consuming now.
to avoid any health problem!!! :)


louis- my baby bunny, he is very sensitive towards the food he consume maybe due to his IgE...
his fur will drop non-stop if i give him the wrong food...
thats why i believe, a balance diet is very important not only for human but for all creatures!

May 2009
July 2009

Zen Siong
Ma Ni
Yew Hong

chit chit chat chat
food guides
partial basecodes:jellyhearts*
taking away this little portion is also known as sinning!(: