What is an organophosphate?
Chemically, organophosphates (OP) are usually esters (R-CO2-R), amides (R-NH2), or thiol (R-SH) derivatives of phosphonic acid (H3O3P). Organophosphate is widely used in agriculture as insecticides, veterinary and human medications , lubricants, plasticisers, and flame- retardants. The worst use of all is for chemical warfare as nerve agents.
Structure of Ester
What happens if someone gets sick from an organophosphate?
Symptoms of mild organophosphate poisonin g may include the following:
The Three Phases of OP Poisoning
After an exposure to an OP agent the clinical syndrome progresses through three well defined phases: Initial Cholinergic Phase, Intermediate Syndrome and Delayed Polyneuropathy phase.
The first stage is known as the Initial Cholinergic Phase. This first phase is a medical emergency that requires rapid treatment. how do we identify this initial cholinergic phase?This phase is marked by an increase in nasal, oral, lacrimal, and bronchial secretions, bronchoconstriction, sweating, vomiting and GI distress with increased motility and cramping. During this phase you can also see muscle fasciculations, which can progress to flaccid paralysis if acetylcholine accumulates in the nicotinic sites at the neuromuscular junctions. initial cholinergic phase usually lead to Death due to the cardiac effects that occur. Bradycardia and other arrhythmias can occur in combination with respiratory depression and CNS depression. This phase generally lasts from 24- 48 hours.
Intermediate Syndrome
The second phase is the intermediate syndrome and is characterized by the onset of muscle weakness. The muscle weakness affects respiratory muscles, such as the diaphragm.
This phenomenon can last for up to two years after exposure and is accompanied by muscle weakness and sensitivity to non depolarizing neuromuscular blocking medications.Delayed Polyneuropathy Phase
The third and final phase is the delayed polyneuropathy phase. This usually sets 7-14 days post-exposure. This phase result in symmetrical muscle weakness in the periphery.
What is the treatment for organophosphate poisoning?
Hospitals and other health care experts have medicines that reverse the effects of organophosphate poisonings.
Is there a vaccine for organophosphate poisoning?
No, there is no vaccine for organophosphate poisoning.
Reference :
Food is any substance, usually composed of carbohydrates,fats, proteins and water, that can be eaten or drunk by living oorganism for nutrition or pleasure purpose.
All foods can be represent in the Food Pyramid
The food pyramid speaks about
Eat at a variety of foods. A balanced diet is one that includes all the food groups. In other words, have foods from every color, every day.
Eat less of some foods, and more of others. You can see that the bands for meat and protein (purple) and oils (yellow) are skinnier than the others. That's because you need less of those kinds of foods than you do of fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy foods.